Dasling Dentistry
General dentistry
DDS, University of North Carolina School of Dentistry
Dr. Swain provides dental services and education to underserved populations in her community. Working with a charity called Project Lift, she and other dentists do oral-cancer screenings, varnish applications and educational workshops in local schools to help children who come from all socioeconomic backgrounds learn healthy dental habits. Dr. Swain calls it “cavity and health reform.” “It’s beneficial when dentists work with other medical practitioners and patients to help create a truly healthy
community,” she says.
“I give back because I know what it feels like not to have,” Dr. Swain says. “When you know better, you have the opportunity to do better. Whatever I can do to help, I have a heart for that.”
Have a purpose. “Every time you walk into your office, know who you are and know what you stand for, and be able to give that to your patients. You can get through every procedure if you know you’re making a difference.”
A huge fan of police procedurals and crime shows such as “CSI,” Dr. Swain has often dreamed about a career as a forensic pathologist and police investigator.
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