Tolley Dental
General dentistry
DDS, Virginia Commonwealth Medical Center School of Dentistry
A fourth-generation dentist, Dr. Tolley has the profession in his DNA — but he doesn’t let himself get too comfortable. He keeps a rigorous schedule of CE courses to sharpen his technical skills.
Family. Growing up, Dr. Tolley watched his father treat patients at the practice he had for 35 years. During Dr. Tolley’s last year of dental school, his father suffered a stroke, and Dr. Tolley was pressed into service sooner than anticipated. “I was able to take over the practice with help from local practitioners,” he says.
“Implant denture stability has always been a focus in my career, and I continually develop it as the field progresses.”
“My Kodak 1500 intraoral cameras. They help me communicate the need for certain treatments.”
“Finding time for things outside of the practice while maintaining a meticulous, organized office and business.”
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