Dano Dental Arts
General dentistry
DMD, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine
Dr. Dano’s multi-specialty practice uses the most up-to- date technology, diagnostic tools and innovations in dentistry — just like the doctor herself.
“I always like to keep updated,” she says, explaining her rationale. “It gives me the opportunity to perform better and deliver to my patients all the best that my profession has to offer.”
“I always wanted to be a doctor, but I learned along the road that dentistry is where I can achieve instant, visible results in patients’ smiles.”
Dr. Dano urges those in her practice to strive for perfection above
all else, and she tells every patient that “a smile is a gift in any language.”
Oral-appliance therapy to help combat obstructive sleep apnea. “It’s exciting and rewarding for me to treat patients who snore and periodically stop breathing while they’re asleep,” Dr. Dano says. “It’s a medical condition that has a dental treatment solution.”
Patience and respect. “Without them,” she observes, “any technology in the world would be utterly useless.”
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